The Compostela Trail, an experience

I started a guest house in Figeac, and it’s like being at home!

I started as a hiker, then as a pilgrim on the route to Santiago de Compostela, before choosing to open a guest house in Figeac a few years ago.

I’m attached to the values I encountered on the trail, and I’m convinced that its beauty, nature, spirituality, human encounters, architectural styles and authenticity all add up to a hiking trail which stands out…

My job is to welcome you from your day’s hike (Decazeville, Livinhac-le-Haut), and to help you be on top form to start again on the route the following day, be it :

  • towards Carjac, on the GR65 marked trail
  • on the Célé route, via the GR651 marked trail. On this route, you can make one or more stops in a rental kayak.
  • on the path to Rocamadour, via the GR6 marked trail

In order to achieve that goal, I offer you the experience of convivial exchanges, a clean and quiet accommodation and a copious breakfast.

    I wish you a gorgeous visit of Figeac as well as

    a grand Compostela Pilgrims’ Trail!

    An inspiring report to discover part of the GR

    Des images du chemin non loin de Figeac

    Sheep in transhumance in front of the gîte


    Reproduction of Champollion's Rosetta Stone

    Ostabat - At the crossroads

    Figeac architecture

    The Célé flowing through Figeac

    Faite le tour du lot en vélo électrique

    Le tour du Lot à VTT électrique, découvrez tout ce qu’il y a a savoir sur le site du Tourisme du LOT. Plus de 400km et 6 000m de dénivelé pour un parcours dans de sublimes paysages et pour tous la amoureux du vélo à assistance électrique !

    You feel like getting to know more about the Compostela Pilgrims’ Trail

    Documentaries about Figeac

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