We’re hungry… What’s for dinner ?

Gong de l'appel au dîner

We’re hungry… What’s for dinner ?

Cooking is one of my pleasures, I make everything myself with home grown produce from the garden, organic or local.

Highly sensitive to the virtues of eating well and trained in naturopathy, I offer balanced dinners, meant to replenish by taking the day’s effort into account, and adapted to the upcoming effort of the following day.

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And a plus for the environment: our compost is home-grown and we use it for our own vegetable production.

For fruit and vegetables not produced in-house, we buy from “Au Sens Bio”, which is opposite our house and favours short, even very short, circuits.

An idea of your dinner !

The dinner is taylored around the season and the garden’s produce. An example of menu or Dinner prices :

  • Garden vegetable soup,
  • Omelette with wild garlic,
  • Courgettes sautéed in onions,
  • Pasta in pesto sauce,
  • Cabécou (local goat cheese),
  • Brownie with vanilla ice cream

Vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free meals

For breakfast

Choice of hot drinks, home-made yogurts, apple juice, bread, butter and home-made jams.

Breakfast prices

Home-made, seasonal recipes!

Warm meals prepared with love!

Petit-déjeuner entre pèlerins

Préparation des repas

Petit-déjeuner en groupe

Dîner sur la terrasse

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